
Jennifer Hildebrandt

Jennifer is the Production/Admin Assistant at The Starlite Room/ConcertWorks and former Account Manager for NASCO – A production technical staffing company for venues and event properties across Canada. Jennifer’s accounts included Rogers Centre, Budweiser Stage, RBC Echo Beach, Veld, and the Living Arts Centre. Her current role with The Starlite Room/ConcertWorks has helped establish the company as a major contributor, influence, and facilitator in showcasing international, domestic, and local artists in the City of Edmonton and the Province of Alberta. Jennifer is one of the founding members of the Canadian Independent Venue Coalition (CIVC), who has been advocating for live music venues and the music ecosystem in Canada.

With a background as a classically trained singer, Jennifer’s previous roles include tenures at Canadian Music Week, NXNE, production for AEG/Goldenvoice including Edgefest and Wakestock, and as a published music writer for BeatRoute, Hush Magazine, Abort Magazine, Punkanormal Activity, and The Spill Magazine.


Nicole Goguen

Nicole Goguen is a 32-year-old technician that has been working in the live event industry for 14 years. Nicole has been instrumental in making #WeBuildEntertainment and #LightUpLive Toronto a reality. Starting her career in Saint John New Brunswick, and then moving to Toronto in 2012. After freelancing for many years in lighting she became a member of IATSE Local 58 as a board op and is currently the Head of Lighting at Medieval Times Toronto. As the founder of We Build Entertainment, Nicole works with technicians and other live event workers to bring people together and help build a stronger more unified community.


Thank you, and Be Well

This Thanksgiving weekend we would like to express our thanks to the amazing live event community. In the absence of shows, concerts and conventions, we may not have not been as connected with our ‘work families’ as usual – it certainly isn’t the same. It might seem unusual to grieve this change, but know that it is allowed and acceptable. We hope that you found some hope and solace this holiday weekend. We are all in this together.We continue to post Canadian resources on that will provide you with financial, health and training support. If you would like to add your own resource, please let us know about it

The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)

Today is the first day to apply for your initial 2 week CRB supplement. This program replaces the CERB, and can pay out if, during a previous 2-week period, you could not work or your income was reduced by 50% compared to last year.

Member Monday

For this Member Monday, we highlight each of you. If it wasn’t for the people who write, follow and perform scripts and runsheets, who build the sets and set the tables, who roll the road cases and sell the tickets
– if it wasn’t for YOU –
there would be no live events.

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Global Day of Action

Hot on the heels of a successful Canadian Day of Visibility for the Live Event Community, the global organization #WeMakeEvents is calling on live event companies and people to reach out across the world.


Harrison Bye

Harrison has been an instrumental past of the Live Event Community execution team since its early days as an important resource for out-of-work workers. His knowledge of technology and social media made him an ideal candidate to maintain communication though Instagram, an important conduit to younger workers. His countless hours preparing for the Light Up Live execution on 22 September definitely paid off with the result being a social reach of 9 million and almost 12k posts over the week.

Harrison has been in the live event community for 12 years. Currently he is the head of audiovideo at Isabel Bader theatre at Victoria University. He also worked at TIFF Bell Lightbox as an Assistant Booth Manager before COVID-19. Pre-covid, Harrison spent his time supporting First Nations (1492 Landback Lane), Teachers, and the Encampment Safety Network (Instagram). During the pandemic he has learned how to make scrambled eggs like Gordon Ramsay (it doesn’t involve profanity or shouting).


Merci a La Communauté des événementielle


read in English

Ce que nous avons vu mardi Ă©tait sans prĂ©cĂ©dent. Les lieux d’Ă©vĂ©nements en direct, les fournisseurs et les travailleurs du théâtre, du spectacle, des Ă©vĂ©nements d’entreprise et des secteurs connexes se sont rĂ©unis. Ils ont mis en lumière l’ensemble de notre industrie Ă  l’un des moments les plus sombres de son histoire.

Merci de vous ĂŞtre rassemblĂ©s (dans l’esprit, puisque nous devons tous garder nos distances physiques) lors de la journĂ©e de visibilitĂ© de la communautĂ© du spectacle vivant. Nous avons demandĂ© votre aide et vous avez rĂ©pondu: #LightUpLive #EclaironsLesScenes a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ© 11 000 fois cette semaine, atteignant 11 millions de comptes, et #LightUpLive s’est classĂ© numĂ©ro 2 au Canada pendant presque une journĂ©e FĂ©licitations !


Thank you to the Live Event Community!


lire en français

What we saw on Tuesday was unprecedented. Live event venues, suppliers, and workers across the theatre, performance, corporate event, and related sectors came together. They shone a light on our entire industry at one of the darkest times in its history.

Thank you for standing together (in spirit, since we must all keep our physical distance) on the Day of Visibility for the Live Event Community. We asked for your help, and you responded: #LightUpLive #EclaironsLesScenes was posted 11,000 times this week, reaching 11 million accounts, and  #LightUpLive trended to #2 in Canada for almost a day. Congratulations!


Howard Ungerleider

Once upon a time there was an incredible workforce involving thousands of people. These talented individuals ranged from musicians, actors, lecturers, creative show designers, stagehands, lighting and sound engineers, visual effects and laser technicians, transportation and logistics personnel, caterers, wardrobe assistants, bus drivers, structural engineers along with a vast array of support teams to backup and contribute their skills aiding all these people.


Arkell’s Max Kerman misses live events

Today on CBC The Current, host Matt Galloway talks to Max Kerman, lead singer of the Canadian band Arkells, about why he’s been offering music lessons, and the deep impact of COVID on live events.

“Your concerts are spectacles,” say host Galloway, “you haven’t played a while – what do you miss?” (3:50 into the clip)

“I don’t want to think about it, Matt, I get emotional.” says Kerman, “the rituals on the day are what I miss the most.”


la communauté événementielle planifie une journée de visibilité le 22 septembre

Live Event Community​, une organisation formée pour soutenir les travailleurs canadiens du spectacle et de l’evenementiel qui ont perdu leurs gagne-pain en raison de la pandémie COVID-19 en cours, a organisé une journée de visibilité le mardi 22 septembre 2020.

Une heure après le coucher du soleil, des centaines de sites et de bâtiments d’un ocĂ©an Ă  l’autre Ă©claireront leur extĂ©rieur de rouge pour sensibiliser l’opinion Ă  une industrie qui est encore dans le noir – et qui sera l’une des dernières Ă  se rĂ©tablir. Tout au long de la soirĂ©e, des images et des vidĂ©os seront partagĂ©es sur les mĂ©dias sociaux en utilisant les hashtags #LightUpLive / EclaironsLesScenes pour accroĂ®tre la visibilitĂ©.


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