Community News

Bob Shindle, FOH/Recording Engineer, Father, Husband, and Friend

Bob Shindle was an extraordinaire person with deep ties to the Canadian Entertainment industry. He was generous with his time and guidance and touched many backstage and in front of house. Unfortunately, on January 17, 2023, Bob passed on from this life at Princess Margaret Hospital while bravely combating cancer. Those closest to him, we give our deepest condolences, and we all have suffered a loss. 

On Sept 22nd, 2020 and the days before, Bob Shindle was instrumental in #lightuplive in Toronto and across Canada. He advocated for the Canadian Music and Theatre industry, the industry and friends cared for dearly that was in dire distress due to the pandemic.  In the days leading to that night, he supported his peers and made those connections that helped make that night a success in Canada and raised awareness for what we all were experiencing.  We appreciate what you did for us all. You will be missed and remembered for your industry achievements, the many gifts to family and friends and your work on .#LightUpLive and #EclaironsLesScenes .

 Rest in Peace, Bob. You earned it.

The Live Event Community

Community News

IATSE Canada, with the generous support of the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund, is excited to offer Mental Health First Aid 

Date: December 7th & 8th

Time: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST each day 

Location: ON-LINE Space is limited. Mental health first aid is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis. Most people are familiar with CPR and know what to do when they are faced with a cardiac emergency. However, would you know what to do if you were faced with someone having a mental health emergency? Now more than ever, it can be vital to understand the signs and symptoms of someone in a mental health crisis and know how to help.

The course was developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. During the course, the participants will learn how to:

  â–Ş Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health


â–Ş Find and reach out to professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-


â–Ş Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis.

â–Ş Use MHFA actions to maintain one’s own mental well-being.


  â–Ş 8 hours of instruction: 2 hours of self-directed study, plus two 3-hour virtual classroom sessions.

 â–Ş Self-study Online Module 1: access link will be sent to course participants by email after their registration has been processed but not later than 2 weeks before the course start date.

â–Ş Virtual Classroom Modules 2 and 3: delivered via Zoom.

This course is open to all performing arts workers and is being offered at no cost as part of the trainings the IATSE is providing through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund. To access this training free of charge, you must register through this link :

Further registration may be required by the vendor

Employers: Are you interested in accessing training funding through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund? Contact International Representatives Jason Vergnano or Cindy Jennings to discuss how to apply to receive support for your training initiatives.

Community News

Pyrotechnics Safety and Legal Awareness – DEC 10 2022

Presented by Gunsmoke Canada

December 10, 2022
10:00am – 5:00pm ET

This course is the prerequisite for Pyrotechnics Certification in Canada. Special Effects Pyrotechnics are regulated by a division of NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada), ERD (Explosives Regulatory Division). This course allows the successful participant to apply for certification as a Pyrotechnician; the entry level of pyrotechnics certification. After successfully completing the course, participants will receive an ROT (Record of Training) from Gunsmoke, which can be submitted to the ERD to receive a certificate.

Further information regarding this course can be found here:

Normally $240.00, this course is open to all and is being offered at no cost as part of the trainings the

IATSE is providing through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund (CPAWRF). To access this training free of charge, you must register through this link:

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be required to registered with the Explosives Regulatory Division in order to receive your licence, at a cost of $102.00. This amount will be refunded by the CPAWRF by submitting a copy of your license and proof of payment to either Jason Vergnano at, or Cindy Jennings at

Space is limited!

** Further registration information may be required by the vendor.

Employers: Are you interested in accessing training funding through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund? Contact International Representatives Jason Vergnano or Cindy Jennings to discuss how to apply to receive support for your training initiatives.

Community News Newsletter

Pyrotechnics Safety and Legal Awareness

Presented by Gunsmoke Canada

December 4th, 2022   

10:00 am – 5:00 pm EST


This course is the prerequisite for Pyrotechnics Certification in Canada. Special Effects Pyrotechnics are regulated by a division of NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada), ERD (Explosives Regulatory Division). This course allows the successful participant to apply for certification as a “Pyrotechnician”, the entry level of pyrotechnics certification.  After successfully completing the course participants will receive an ROT (Record of Training) from Gunsmoke, that can be submitted to the ERD to receive a certificate.

Further information regarding this course can be found here:

This Course, normally $240.00  is open to everyone and is being offered at no cost as part of the Canadian Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund if you register through this link

But space is limited. Register Now

Employers: Are you interested in accessing training funding through the Canadian Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund? Contact International Representatives Jason Vergnano or Cindy Jennings to discuss how to apply to receive support for your training initiatives.

Community News

Arts Workers Resilience Fund – TRAINING FUND

IATSE Local 58 is now Offering training that is in whole or in part funded thru the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund TRAINING FUND.  This training is open to anyone interested in working in live events. Course such as working at heights, Machine safety and Operation as well as entertainment skills training could be covered by this fund.

To be notified of these opportunities please follow the following link

To find out more about this program Follow this link 

“This project is funded [in part] by the Government of Canada.”

“This project is funded [in part] by the Government of Canada.”

La section locale 58 de l’IATSE propose dĂ©sormais une formation financĂ©e en tout ou en partie par le FONDS DE FORMATION Fonds du Canada pour la rĂ©silience des travailleurs des arts de la scène. Cette formation est ouverte Ă  toute personne intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  travailler dans des Ă©vĂ©nements en direct. Des cours tels que le travail en hauteur, la sĂ©curitĂ© et le fonctionnement des machines, ainsi que la formation aux techniques de divertissement, pourraient ĂŞtre couverts par ce fonds.

Pour être informé de ces opportunités, veuillez suivre le lien suivant

Pour en savoir plus sur ce programme Suivez ce lien

Ce projet est financé [en partie] par le gouvernement du Canada.
  • Ce projet est financĂ© [en partie] par le gouvernement du Canada.

Two Weeks to #LightUpLive 2021

This is not business as usual.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, live entertainment has been hit hard with the loss of events and the jobs that support a million Canadians and their families. On 22 September 2021, demonstrate your support for the Day of Visibility for the Live Event Community. Here are some things you can do right now to help our community in this difficult time.

Speak with the candidates running in your riding in the Federal election. Help them to understand what we do, but more importantly why we do it. Show them how crippling the pandemic has been for you and your family, and that we all want to get back to work.

Let them know:

  • We need industry specific support for those who still want or need to pursue their career. 
  • We need new training support to help fill the jobs of people who will not return to our industry.
  • We need continued support for businesses, so that they can be there when large live events return to our stadiums, convention centres, theatres and festival venues.

On September 22, visibly show your support and shine a light on the impact that COVID-19 has had on the people of the live event industry. Illuminate your venues and homes, to show support for those that are struggling to support their families. Let’s make this an opportunity to talk about the problems and create solutions that will shape the future of live events in Canada. 

Join us for a second year, as we #LightUpLive #EclaironsLesScenes on 22 September 2021 for the Day of Visibility for the Live Event Community.

How to make a difference:

Community News

#LightUpLive 2021

A little under a year ago, the entire Live Event Community came together to demonstrate to Canadians that we were strong, and in need of support.

Through the advocacy of many members, we have come a long way towards a restart, and it is time to celebrate those milestones. It’s election time, and it is more important than ever to show that we are not back to normal.

The people, companies and venues who are the heart of this billion dollar business are still vulnerable across Canada. Many have left the industry altogether, and those left still need financial support until we can get back to full capacity events. Partial audiences and enhanced health and safety requirements make it difficult or impossible to financially sustain many productions.

Political parties are listening, and candidates need your votes. Make sure that YOU are seen and heard.

On 22 September, we are calling on you to light up your venues in red in support of the vibrant live event community from coast to coast. Mark the date in your calendars, and help Canada #lightuplive #eclaironslesscenes next month. #wemakeevents


LEC Appeal for Keeping Ontario Venues Open

The Hon. Monte McNaughton MPP
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
777 Bay St. Toronto, ON M7A 2J3 
Tel.416-327-4300 Twitter: @MonteMcNaughton

The Hon. Christine Elliot MPP
Minister of Health
5th Floor, 777 Bay St. Toronto, ON M7A 2J3
Tel. 416-327-4300 Twitter: @celliottability

In March 2020, the live events industry was halted by social distancing and gathering restrictions. Event and show cancellations sidelined a hundred thousand Ontario live event workers, and venues have stood empty of audiences.

Many Ontario creators, producers and promoters have tried to adapt to this challenging situation, modifying their work to an online format. In this format, there is no in-person contact with audiences and limited support crew. Our industry has always prioritized safety, and our protocols include most, if not greater to those that already are approved for network broadcast and filming.

The current stay-at-home order punishes live event creators, promoters, and the people they employ, who have been following best practice covid-19 safety procedures but are forced to stop work once again. We ask you to swiftly make the necessary changes to the current state of affairs here in Ontario and bring back these much-needed online events.

These productions are aimed at online audiences and do not contribute to the spread of coronavirus. Online shows allow artists and creators to remain relevant, practice their craft and provide entertainment to an audience that is told to stay in their homes. It may also provide a minimum income to a limited amount of performers, crew, and venue staff. 

Hundreds of thousands of Ontarians have been legislated out of work in the Live Event Community. We have tried to be patient, we understand the need for Ontarians to be protected from covid-19, but this latest stay-at-home order as written will continue to negatively impact us and the stay-at-home audience. 

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.  

We are all in this together.

The Live Event Community

The Hon. Lisa MacLeod MPP, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries  @MacLeodLisa
The Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario   @fordnation

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Inconsistent lockdown protocols hamper live performing arts

On the, author Paul Ennis writes about the devastating effect of closing live performance venues to non-audience activities under the current Ontario stay-at-home order.

Meanwhile, even though many TAPA member companies have temporarily shifted to hybrid theatre, dance and opera models that include livestreaming, pre-recorded film and digitization, “entertainment concert venues, theatres and cinemas (includes drive-in or drive-through events) [are] closed for all purposes, including rehearsing or performing a recorded or broadcasted event, artistic event, theatrical performance or other performance.” However, the letter points out, the Businesses Permitted to Open and Sector Specific Restrictions (14) have allowed film and television to continue to operate: commercial film and television production, including all supporting activities such as hair, makeup and wardrobe.”


Global Day of Action

Hot on the heels of a successful Canadian Day of Visibility for the Live Event Community, the global organization #WeMakeEvents is calling on live event companies and people to reach out across the world.


Need emergency financial aid? AFC Helps. Learn more