D&B Audio Video Tutorials

d&b tutorials are handy preparation for seminars and workshops, or to expand or refresh the grey cells after a training session; or if you want to know more on how to get the best out of combining d&b components in the system workflow. They fit the bill on all three counts. The videos have been divided into chapters, each focusing on a particular topic to enable information to be accessed quickly and easily, or for viewing in sequence for a complete step-by-step guide.

Pocket Coach – Corona Coach

Pocketcoach is a digital coach to cope better with anxiety

Q Light Controller Plus

QLC+ is a free and cross-platform software to control DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc.
This project is a fork of the great QLC project written by Heikki Junnila that aims to continue the QLC development and to introduce new features.
The primary goal is to bring QLC+ at the level of other lighting control commercial softwares.
QLC+ runs on Linux, Windows (XP+), macOS (10.7+) and the Raspberry Pi.

Meyer Sound Daily Audio Training

Meyer Sound Education Offering Free Daily Online Training Sessions

With so many in our industry confined to home as we ride out the Covid-19, the situation provides a great opportunity to brush up or hone skills online. We would like to support you in this situation and offer free online training.

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do? Sources & further reading: https://sites.google.com/view/sources…

Strand Online Training

Let Vari-Lite and Strand teach you the basics of the world of lighting systems design online.

GrandMA 2 Crash Course

Program a Show From Scratch

JBL CBT(Constant Beamwidth Technology) Calculator Tutorial

Astera Full Setup Guide

A full setup guide tutorial made by Blackout Lighting Console

MBOX Media Server Training Videos


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