Gerr Audio Presents DEMO DAYS 2021

Come network, learn, and treat your ears to the best audio equipment Canadian dollars can buy.

Event Location

Catch the Fire Church
272 Attwell Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 6M3
Click HERE for Google Map location.

Food & Beverages Provided
Join us in the lounge for free refreshments, snacks and sandwiches throughout the day.

COVID Vaccination & Entrance Requirements
Proof of full vaccination will be required to enter Catch the Fire for Demo Days. Face masks must also be worn. Please contact GerrAudio with any COVID-related concerns or more information.

Event Dates & Times
Tuesday December 14, 2021 | 9:30AM – 5PM EST – Wednesday December 15, 2021 | 9:30AM – 5PM EST

Schedule can be found at

Registration can be found

519’s Friendly Check-in Program

The 519 is committed to the health, happiness and full participation of the LGBTQ2S communities.

The 519 is expanding its Friendly Check-In Program during our building closure. The Friendly Check-In Program is:

  • A weekly phone call or email by a 519 staff member who will chat with you and check in on how you are doing
  • An opportunity to let us know what services and programs you need
  • An opportunity for The 519 staff to provide support, information and referrals to you, as needed

The Friendly Check-In Program is not:

  • A crisis phone line
  • Counselling over the phone

We want to stay in touch with you as best we can during the building closure, and want to make sure we can help you get the support you need.

If you are interested in participating in the Friendly Phone Program, please fill out this form.

For more information, please email or call front desk at 416-392-6874

Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam’s COVID-19 GOVERNMENT RESOURCES

One-stop-shop government resources in response to COVID-19, and where and how to access them

CARFAC Ontario’s The Voice For Professional Artists

A letter from grassroots arts initiatives struggling amid the COVID-19 pandemic Attention:

The Honourable Steven Guilbeault
Minister of Canadian Heritage
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0A6

The Honorable Lisa MacLeod
Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
438 University Avenue
6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5G 2K8


We, the undersigned, represent a diverse spectrum of small, grassroots, and community-based arts initiatives, and we are writing to draw your attention to the vital role of our work, especially at this time, as many of us are focused specifically on working with marginalized communities, and with some of our most vulnerable citizens. We are community organizers on the front lines, and often the most accessible point of personal support for artists and communities, and we fill an important gap by engaging groups that have been historically excluded within conventional cultural institutions. For example, research from Canadian Art (2015) found that only 11% of solo exhibitions at major Canadian public art galleries centered on non-white artists. They also found that gallery management in Canada is disproportionately dominated by white arts professionals. Meanwhile, our initiatives are often led-by, and specifically geared to engaging non-white artists, and, in addition, many of us focus on engaging those identifying as LGBTQ, disabled, and those experiencing systemic barriers to participating in the arts.

We fully support all responsive funding programs intended to stabilize the arts and cultural sector, as well as charities and nonprofit organizations, and of course we support all programs providing emergency relief to individuals facing sudden income losses. However, as unincorporated, or smaller arts initiatives often working with small project grants, fuelled by small donations, and volunteer hours, yet playing a vital role in the arts ecosystem often without any sustainable funding, we encourage policy-makers and public funding agencies to ensure that our work is not overlooked in the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we come together as a sector to weather the storm, we fear that, without immediate and accessible support during, and after this COVID-19 pandemic, many of our groups will be all but wiped out, which would result in major gaps in the cultural ecosystem, leave many communities in disarray, and ultimately push many vulnerable citizens further into isolation.

We are creative, resilient, and we have proven track records creating big impacts with small investment. So we ask you, at this pivotal time, to acknowledge our work, and–in addition to the support for established arts organizations, cultural institutions, nonprofits and charities, as well as all the help going to businesses–make sure that we, too, are able to access the basic resources to continue operating in our unique and intimate roles in communities, and for the artists who need us now more than ever.

Thank you,
Please sign at the link below

TOartist COVID19 Response Fund

For more information on making a pledge or donation, please contact Leslie Francombe, Philanthropy and Sponsorship Manager, at leslie[at]torontoarts[dot]org.

All donations made to the fund will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

Fund Launch date: March 26, 2020
Funds raised to date (April 7, 2020): $723,051
Artists this will support: approximately 723
Artists who have reached out in need: over 1,600
Donate today to give relief to even more artists β€‹

CARFAC Ontario Survey

What do you need to create and share art during the COVID-19 pandemic? CARFAC Ontario is collecting information from artists about their most urgent needs, and any identified new resources that will allow them to continue producing and presenting work during the COVID-19 pandemic. This information will be consolidated, and shared with arts councils to advocate for and inform any necessary modifications to their guidelines and granting programs, and to assess the need to create new funding streams.

For example, are you suddenly in need of a new computer, or new software? Do you require specific technology to collaborate with others remotely? How do you imagine publicly presenting your work if physical spaces are closed? Are there new materials or resources you suddenly find yourself needing (i.e. home studio equipment)? And are there any ways that arts councils can alter their funding criteria, guidelines, and programming to better respond to your needs?

Please note, we are looking for information exclusively about creating and sharing art; this is not intended to inform the creation of an emergency relief fund.

We will not share your personal information.

If you have any questions, please email:

Jason Samilski
Managing Director, CARFAC Ontario

Hamilton Artists Relief Fund

Please donate to the emergency fund for our Hamiltonian artists!

100% of contributions are allocated directly to artists who apply to the fund.DONATE APPLY FOR RELIEF CALL FOR PERFORMERS

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hamilton Arts Council (HAC) presents the Hamilton Artist Relief Fund and Online Performance Series.

HAC understands that the outbreak of COVID-19 presents extraordinary challenges for artists and arts organizations in Hamilton, with unprecedented loss of revenue from performances, community events, education and professional presentations. 

The Hamilton Artist Relief Fund is focused on raising and distributing emergency relief funds for artists struggling during this difficult time and providing a curated online platform for local artists to present and perform to a virtual audience. 100% of the donations collected for the Relief Fund will be distributed directly to artists in need. 


Artists are a big part of what makes this city great. Visual artists, musicians, DJs, actors, directors, writers, spoken word artists, teaching artists, all rely on people being able to access their work through events that have now been cancelled. Please consider donating here. Every penny counts, and every penny makes a difference.


Are you a practicing artist in need of support? Relief funding can be accessed through a simple application form. Please submit your CV and a declaration of artistic projects and earnings lost due to the pandemic. Relief fund amounts start at $100 to a maximum of $1,000 based on individual needs.


The Hamilton Artist Relief Fund Online Performance Series is about uniting our community through a curated online platform that commissions artists to present and perform while raising funds. In preparation for this initiative, we initiated a survey to gauge the impact of this crisis on Hamilton’s arts community, determining that the need is significant and urgent. 


Our live video performance series of 40-60-minute presentations will feature Hamilton’s talented artists as we all work to raise funds for the Hamilton Artist Relief Fund. The Hamilton Arts Council will be offering $250 to each performer. Videos will be shared across all HAC social media platforms, along with daily video updates of our fundraising efforts. 


Video performances will air most days Tuesday-Friday in the afternoon through Facebook Live. Stay tuned on Instagram and Facebook to receive updates on scheduling and how you can participate!

Global Relief Fund For Live Music Crews

UPDATE: Applications are now open until 1 May 2020

The Crew Nation fund is here to help support live music crews who have been directly impacted as shows are put on pause due to COVID-19. You can apply for financial assistance from the Crew Nation fund below.

Live Nation has committed $10 million to Crew Nation – contributing an initial $5 million to the fund, then matching the next $5 million given by artists, fans and employees dollar for dollar.


To qualify, you must:

  • Be a live entertainment touring or venue crew member who makes 50% or more of your income from this field. Crew members are all of the front of house and backstage staff that help bring concerts to life.
  • Provide documentation proving financial impact due to COVID-19 from show or tour cancellations or postponements in March or April (e.g., pay stubs, copy of your contract, flyers or links to event sites listing your involvement in the canceled or postponed event, letter/email from employer identifying cancellation, etc.)
  • Provide a copy of your most recent tax return or equivalent documentation.

Please note, even if you meet the above qualifications, you will be ineligible if you: 

  • Received or anticipate receiving pay from your employer from April 1, 2020 through April 30, 2020.

TOArtist COVID Response Fund


To assist Toronto artists in dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, Toronto Arts Foundation and Toronto Arts Council are introducing the TOArtist COVID Response Fund. The Fund will allocate up to $1000 to self-employed, individual artists resident in Toronto whose creative work and income have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize the adverse impacts that the cancellation of performances and productions, the closure of venues, and the loss of teaching opportunities have on the freelance workers that make up the majority of professional artists in Toronto.

Emergency Survival Fund for LGBTQ2S artists, performers, tip-based workers

Administered by Glad Day Bookshop in Toronto, this fund will help cover emergency aid and paid work for LGBTQ2S artists, performers and tip-based workers.


Need emergency financial aid? AFC Helps. Learn more