519’s Friendly Check-in Program
The 519 is committed to the health, happiness and full participation of the LGBTQ2S communities.
The 519 is expanding its Friendly Check-In Program during our building closure. The Friendly Check-In Program is:
- A weekly phone call or email by a 519 staff member who will chat with you and check in on how you are doing
- An opportunity to let us know what services and programs you need
- An opportunity for The 519 staff to provide support, information and referrals to you, as needed
The Friendly Check-In Program is not:
- A crisis phone line
- Counselling over the phone
We want to stay in touch with you as best we can during the building closure, and want to make sure we can help you get the support you need.
If you are interested in participating in the Friendly Phone Program, please fill out this form.
For more information, please email palsconnect@the519.org or call front desk at 416-392-6874
Job Features
Job Category | Encouraging News, Health |
Phone | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:5:"Phone";s:5:"value";s:12:"416-392-6874";} |
Website | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:7:"Website";s:5:"value";s:18:"https://the519.org";} |
Notes | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:5:"Notes";s:5:"value";s:0:"";} |
Password | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:8:"Password";s:5:"value";s:0:"";} |
a:2:{s:5:"label";s:5:"Email";s:5:"value";s:22:"palsconnect@the519.org";} |