Job Category: Training
- Projects are structured as follows. Project contain Screens, Outpus and Processors. Processors are determined by screen settings. Processors are arranged differently depending on-screen view vs output view.
- Custom tiles, processors and outputs are turned off at the moment. Please stick to what is in the dropdowns.
- Things are geared towards working for someone with little to no knowledge of an LED system, with increasing levels of complexity available to advanced users if they please. This may make it seem like you don’t have as much customization options as in the past.
- The processors in the library have predefined width, height, and pixel limits. These aren’t user-editable at the moment
- Outputs are automatically built by grouping processors together efficiently, regardless of what screen a processor belongs to.
- Try adding a few screens, and changing each one’s colors to see how they are being broken up into outputs
- A lot of screen-wide overlays are broken in the output view. This is being worked on.
- Remove screen button coming shortly
- Offsets are basically disabled at the moment as all offsets of processors within outputs are calculated automatically
- Try playing with the automatically square off data ports and average processor resolution limit options.
- The JSON file you can download will reveal a much more detailed list of info that can be used and will most likely be implemented one way or another
- I am not a javascript developer but I’m stumbling through this because people find this tool useful and I enjoy learning. Please get in touch if this tool is useful to you and you’re interested in helping develop the project further.
Our goal is to demystify AI
The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. The courses combine theory with practical exercises and can be completed at your own pace.
Nikon’s mission has always been to empower creators. In these uncertain times, we can do that by helping creators stay inspired, engaged and growing. That’s why we’re providing all of our courses free for the entire month of April. Let’s come out of this even better.
In this ten part series, veteran broadcast audio mixer or A1, Andrew Stoakley talks with eleven A1’s about what got them interested in the craft and why we love what it is we do. This series is not about the nuts and bolts about the job, it was intended to be a conversation between two or three people who love what they do and why they do it. “This concept was something I had been thinking about doing for a long time. My first love has always been radio and in part of my professional life, I help other people build their own podcast studios. When the COVID-19 pandemic sadly occurred, it allowed me to work on this pet project” says Stoakley. “The title comes from my own issues with idle hands – I hate it! I hope you find the conversations as interesting as I did to record them and I think it really shines a little light into the world of television audio.”
Audinate is pleased to offer over 25 free online learning opportunities this month– some available in a variety of languages.
This is a great opportunity to officially obtain new Dante Certifications, learn about Dante Domain Manager and join interesting discussions on case studies and Dante design principles. We look forward to seeing you there!
Webinar Topics:
ducation and training is a key component of the Adamson integrated system offering. Hands on training and other education measures like tutorial videos elevate the performance of Adamson products in the market by optimizing their application in the field. This improved performance through education is not only rewarding for all the end users, it increases the demand for Adamson products and maximizes inventory utilization. In turn the sharing of our more than thirty years of experience and expertise in designing and deploying loudspeaker systems with the audio community increases the resale value for the Adamson customer, optimizing the lifetime Return on Investment with Adamson loudspeaker systems.
Welcome to our Learn and Explore pages.
As one of the industries keys innovators we’re always learning more about our field. Here you can find more information about many of our technologies and techniques, as well as a few videos from us and our colleagues in the business.
In an ongoing effort to educate people about workplace health and safety, we offer the following online and classroom courses.
Featured e-Courses
- Mental Health: Awareness FREE! *Updated!*
- Mental Health: Health and Wellness Strategies FREE! *Updated!*
- Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs): Awareness FREE!
- Office Ergonomics FREE!
- Pandemic Awareness FREE!
- Pandemic Planning FREE!