
LEC Appeal for Keeping Ontario Venues Open

Calling on the Ontario government to change the current stay-at-home order to allow live event creators, promoters, and the people they employ to continue rehearsals, live streams and other safe work.

The Hon. Monte McNaughton MPP
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
777 Bay St. Toronto, ON M7A 2J3 
Tel.416-327-4300 Twitter: @MonteMcNaughton

The Hon. Christine Elliot MPP
Minister of Health
5th Floor, 777 Bay St. Toronto, ON M7A 2J3
Tel. 416-327-4300 Twitter: @celliottability

In March 2020, the live events industry was halted by social distancing and gathering restrictions. Event and show cancellations sidelined a hundred thousand Ontario live event workers, and venues have stood empty of audiences.

Many Ontario creators, producers and promoters have tried to adapt to this challenging situation, modifying their work to an online format. In this format, there is no in-person contact with audiences and limited support crew. Our industry has always prioritized safety, and our protocols include most, if not greater to those that already are approved for network broadcast and filming.

The current stay-at-home order punishes live event creators, promoters, and the people they employ, who have been following best practice covid-19 safety procedures but are forced to stop work once again. We ask you to swiftly make the necessary changes to the current state of affairs here in Ontario and bring back these much-needed online events.

These productions are aimed at online audiences and do not contribute to the spread of coronavirus. Online shows allow artists and creators to remain relevant, practice their craft and provide entertainment to an audience that is told to stay in their homes. It may also provide a minimum income to a limited amount of performers, crew, and venue staff. 

Hundreds of thousands of Ontarians have been legislated out of work in the Live Event Community. We have tried to be patient, we understand the need for Ontarians to be protected from covid-19, but this latest stay-at-home order as written will continue to negatively impact us and the stay-at-home audience. 

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.  

We are all in this together.

The Live Event Community

The Hon. Lisa MacLeod MPP, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries  @MacLeodLisa
The Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario   @fordnation

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