OFFERED FREE OF CHARGE TO MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS: Thanks to CPAWRF (Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund) funding from the Government of Canada, we have paid for 100 spots for the LGBTQ2+ Workplace Inclusion Certificate – an online, take-at-your-own-pace course that is designed to empower workers to become allies to their LGBTQ2+ colleagues. After gaining confidence using the vocabulary associated with LGBTQ2+ identities, participants will learn strategies on how to combat biphobia, homophobia, and transphobia, and create positive change that allows everyone to achieve their full potential at work.
To register: https://tinyurl.com/IACourses2022
Space is limited.Employers: Are you interested in accessing training funding through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund? Contact International Representatives Jason Vergnano jvergnano@iatse.net or Cindy Jennings cjennings@iatse.net to discuss how to apply to receive support for your training initiatives.