In this ten part series, veteran broadcast audio mixer or A1, Andrew Stoakley talks with eleven A1’s about what got them interested in the craft and why we love what it is we do. This series is not about the nuts and bolts about the job, it was intended to be a conversation between two or three people who love what they do and why they do it. “This concept was something I had been thinking about doing for a long time. My first love has always been radio and in part of my professional life, I help other people build their own podcast studios. When the COVID-19 pandemic sadly occurred, it allowed me to work on this pet project” says Stoakley. “The title comes from my own issues with idle hands – I hate it! I hope you find the conversations as interesting as I did to record them and I think it really shines a little light into the world of television audio.”
Job Location: Online

FREE video-based peer support groups and substance use tracking around COVID-19.

Free Credit Counselling, Budgeting Help & Debt Consolidation Options.
The Credit Counselling Society is a registered, non profit service for consumers. Since opening over 23Â years ago, we have helped over 700,000 Canadians:
- Solve Debt Problems: Learn how to get out of debt and save money
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Audinate is pleased to offer over 25 free online learning opportunities this month– some available in a variety of languages.
This is a great opportunity to officially obtain new Dante Certifications, learn about Dante Domain Manager and join interesting discussions on case studies and Dante design principles. We look forward to seeing you there!
Webinar Topics:
The outbreak of COVID-19 can be stressful for people. We know that fear and anxiety can be overwhelming. Get tips for coping with the ever changing reality that we are facing
The COVID-19 pandemic presents a number of overlapping and unprecedented challenges, impacting all parts of Canadian life: how we socialize, how we work, how we get our essentials, and how we maintain our overall health and well-being.
WellCan, brought to you by a community of partners, provides a hub for mental health resources and tools to help all Canadians maintain positive mental, physical, social and financial health during the COVID-19
To help Montrealers through these dark times, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is offering online art therapy lessons through its Facebook page.The activities will go up every Friday.
The MMFA is doing its best to keep us occupied during this surreal moment in history. It’s just one of a few institutions in the city that has moved its activities online so that residents can enjoy them from the comfort and safety of their own homes. In addition to free virtual tours, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is now offering at-home art therapy.
Each therapy activity is designed by MMFA Art Therapist Stephen Legari.
“The key is to focus on the pleasure of creating. Try not to judge or analyze what you’re doing — it’s about enjoying the process,” he explains.
“So, turn off the news, take some time for yourself, and relax.”
The first art therapy activity, posted to the museum Facebook page, asks participants to “think of someone you’d like to send some encouraging words to” and create a postcard using “inspiring materials as basic as a piece of paper and pencil.”
At-home artists are then instructed to “take a photo of the card with your phone and send it to the person virtually.”
Participants can share pictures of their work on social media with the hashtag #SpreadArtNotVirus.
ducation and training is a key component of the Adamson integrated system offering. Hands on training and other education measures like tutorial videos elevate the performance of Adamson products in the market by optimizing their application in the field. This improved performance through education is not only rewarding for all the end users, it increases the demand for Adamson products and maximizes inventory utilization. In turn the sharing of our more than thirty years of experience and expertise in designing and deploying loudspeaker systems with the audio community increases the resale value for the Adamson customer, optimizing the lifetime Return on Investment with Adamson loudspeaker systems.
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As one of the industries keys innovators we’re always learning more about our field. Here you can find more information about many of our technologies and techniques, as well as a few videos from us and our colleagues in the business.