This Thanksgiving weekend we would like to express our thanks to the amazing live event community. In the absence of shows, concerts and conventions, we may not have not been as connected with our ‘work families’ as usual – it certainly isn’t the same. It might seem unusual to grieve this change, but know that it is allowed and acceptable. We hope that you found some hope and solace this holiday weekend. We are all in this together.We continue to post Canadian resources on that will provide you with financial, health and training support. If you would like to add your own resource, please let us know about it.

The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)
Today is the first day to apply for your initial 2 week CRB supplement. This program replaces the CERB, and can pay out if, during a previous 2-week period, you could not work or your income was reduced by 50% compared to last year.
Member Monday
For this Member Monday, we highlight each of you. If it wasn’t for the people who write, follow and perform scripts and runsheets, who build the sets and set the tables, who roll the road cases and sell the tickets
– if it wasn’t for YOU –
there would be no live events.