Canadian Government outlines distribution of $500M of arts and culture for COVID-19 support

Posted 5 years ago

Today, our government announced more details about our $500 million investment to support these industries. The distribution of funding will include: – Up to $326.8 million to be administrated by Canadian Heritage and divided among select departmental programs and Portfolio agencies as well as key delivery organizations. Specifically:

–>$198.3 million will be provided to the beneficiaries of arts and culture funding via existing programs as well as other organizations with demonstrated needs

–>$72 million will be provided to the sport sector

–>$53 million will be provided to the heritage sector via the emergency component of the Museums Assistance Program

– $55 million to be distributed by the Canada Council for the Arts

– $3.5 million will be provided for COVID-related projects under the Digital Citizen Initiative

– $115.8 to support the Canadian audiovisual sector, to be distributed by the Canada Media Fund ($88.8 million) and Telefilm Canada ($27 million)

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