2-day Smaart Operator Fundamentals training session hosted by GerrAudio Distribution and taught by design and tuning expert, Ian Robertson.
Date: March 6 & 8 2023
Location: Winter Garden Theatre – Toronto, ON.
The 2-day Smaart Operator: Fundamentals class covers the first principals of setting up and configuring a Smaart measurement rig and using Smaart v9 to make basic RTA, Spectrograph, Transfer Function and Impulse Response measurements. Class structure will be a mix of theory and practical application.
Space is limited.

Employers: Are you interested in accessing training funding through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund? Contact International Representatives Jason Vergnano jvergnano@iatse.net or Cindy Jennings cjennings@iatse.net to discuss how to apply to receive support for your training initiatives.