I.A.T.S.E Local 58
Education Committee Presents
First Aid with CPR, AED and Suspension trauma
The Education Committee is presenting First Aid class with CPR, AED and Suspension trauma additions . We have booked a trainer from CPR Response Plus Ltd. Canadian Red Cross Training Partner. This will be one day and will have an online component that will have to be completed. You will be contacted by the training company.
Place: Winter Garden Theatre
Date: March 14th 2023 Time: 8 am
This course is open to all performing arts workers and is being offered at no cost as part of the trainings the IATSE is providing through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund. To access this training free of charge, you must register through this link:
Space is limited.

Employers: Are you interested in accessing training funding through the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund? Contact International Representatives Jason Vergnano jvergnano@iatse.net or Cindy Jennings cjennings@iatse.net to discuss how to apply to receive support for your training initiatives.